Het consortium weerspiegelt de diverse en complementaire vaardigheden die nodig zijn voor CleverGuard, terwijl de groep en het project zo klein en gefocust mogelijk blijven. Het consortium bestaat uit 8 partners uit vier landen. Een goede balans tussen zakelijke, eindgebruikers-, technische, wetenschappelijke, ontwerp- en marketingexpertise is dus verzekerd om dit project met succes uit te voeren.

AAL Programme - Active Assisted Living Programme
Ageing Well in the Digital World
We are AAL, a funding programme that aims to create better quality of life for older people and to strengthen industrial opportunities in the field of healthy ageing technology and innovation.
We do this by funding projects that work towards creating market-ready products and services for older people. Each project consists of SMEs, research bodies and end-user organisations. Since 2008, we have funded over 220 projects.
Our projects address a number of issues, including management of chronic conditions, social inclusion, access to online services, mobility, management of daily activities, and support from informal carers.

CLEMAP is a Swiss company specialized in the metering and evaluation of energy data. Through a combination of proprietary measurement solutions and artificial intelligence / machine learning, unique consumption patterns of appliances can be identified on the electricity grid. CLEMAP has already informally launched a first version of CleverGuard under the name of “Schutzengel” where relatives were just able to check according to the load profile the activity of their elderly familiar. Thanks to its own IoT Platform, CLEMAP has positioned itself on the Swiss energy market and is offering a broad range of data analytics and energy metering solutions to energy providers, facility managers and electricians.

Hochschule Luzern T&A, iHomeLab
iHomeLab of the Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) is the leading research centre for building intelligence in Switzerland. Together with the support of its over 200 industrial partners, the iHomeLab team conducts funded applied research in the areas of ambient assisted living (AAL), human building interaction (HBI) and energy efficiency (EE). The iHomeLab team gained broad experience in conducting around 45 applied and cutting edge research projects, funded by national and international authorities and end user organisations. Two projects in which the iHomeLab is very actively engaged won the AAL award (2013 iWalkActive, 2014 Confidence, 2015 RelaxedCare).

Vicino Luzern
Vicino Luzern is a non-profit association with over 20 member institutions, all active in delivering elderly care services for the citizens of Lucerne, a city with around 80’000 inhabitants. These institutions have joined forces with one major goal: To cooperate and communicate together in order to improve the quality of life of elderly people living in the city of Lucerne and, if ever possible, to allow them to live independently and securely at home as long as possible. Vicino employs professsionals with socio-cultural and economic competences for building up the neighbourhood network and linking it to the professional services in Lucerne, dissemination and promotion of ICT based solutions for elderly.

Belgium - Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen
Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship is the contact point for entrepreneurs in Flanders. We encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurship, and contribute to a favourable business climate. By being a one-stop-shop, we build a bridge towards stronger entrepreneurship.

Korian Belgium
Korian Belgium is a Belgian care group: its group facilities residential care for the elderly (residential care centers, assistance homes, short stays, etc.), in addition to an extensive range of services in home care and service voucher companies. Some figure: 125 facilities with 12500 housing units, 1550 assisted housing units (thus Belgium's No. 1). There are 9700 employees (5850 FTE). In home care, 800 FTEs are employed, and we can count on 800 independent home nurses, that are serving 9000 clients/day. In 2020, Korian Belgium has created a third business unit, Integrated Services. Korian Belgium is a member of the European Care Group Korian.

Telecom Integrated Technologies (Telecom-IT) is a telecommunications solution provider for the healthcare market. It creates optimal communication and alarm regulating systems over voice, data and video by seamlessly integrating smartphones and other devices into the telecommunication network. The products offered include in-house developed hardware and software solutions. R&D department Unmatched has a strong focus on hardware and software solutions, mainly within the LynX ecosystem. Subsidiary brand and integrator 25-8 has a strong customer focus and is the integrator (configuration, implementation and service) of the Unmatched products, but also broader telecommunication solutions.

Italy - Italian Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health promotes and protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and the interest of the community. In more recent times, the new term " health in all policies " was born, understood as the ability of governments, public and private institutions and communities themselves to assume the burden of reorienting the complex of economic policies and social, technological development, work, home and environment to respect for the protection of citizens' health.

Fondazione Santa Lucia
Fondazione Santa Lucia (FSL) is the first Italian Institute for Research in the neuroscience field for hospitalisation and treatment. The institute has approximately 60 laboratories and the Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry is leader in development of operational research diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive impairment, preventive rehabilitation activities in the following phases: preclinical, clinical, CSF biomarkers and specific patterns of brain tissue damage/dysfunction detected by quantified multiparametric imaging techniques enable to preventive diagnose and recognize the atypical forms of disease at an early stage. The Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry is currently involved in three AAL projects (2016 PETAL, 2018 POSITIVE and 2019 ReMember-Me).

Hungary - National Research, Development and Innovation Office
the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office) aims to create a stable institutional framework for the Government coordination and predictable funding of research, development and innovation (RDI) in Hungary, ensuring the efficient and transparent and value-creating use of available resources.

Bay Zoltán Non-Profit Ltd.
The Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd (BZN) is the largest and most successful non-profit applied research organization in Hungary. Its mission is to enhance and support the development of sustainable competitiveness for Hungarian companies through innovation and technology transfer. BZN has participated successfully in different types of international programs. It has successfully implemented about 80 FP and H2020 projects as partner and project coordinator. The 7th AAL project of BZN entitled frAAgile started in 2019. On national level, BZN have gained extended experiences in pilot operations and cooperation with end-user organizations (such as nursing homes, county level hospitals and health care institutions).

Inspiring Culture
Inspiring Culture kft, a Hungarian-Swiss SME, established in Hungary in 2001 is a high profile team of consultant with strong international background. The mission of IC is to catalyse strategic and operational alignment and coherence in organizations and to promote “better business”, which “do good” – equally considering optimisation of economic, social and environmental results. Becoming more coherent and aligning people on a common purpose means shared values, new capabilities and daily habits by using applied behavior influence strategies. IC works with both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations from various industries and sectors.