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Frequently asked questions


Do you have questions about testing CleverGuard? We summarized the most frequently asked questions and the answers to them. If you would need further information, or you want to participate in the test, contact our personnel by clicking the button below.

  • What is CleverGuard good for?
    CleverGuard brings insights into seniors’ habit changes in a non-intrusive way, supporting them to stay longer at home independently and fostering meaningful discussions between seniors and their carers. CleverGuard is based on an energy meter. The energy data are sent to a central computer center where the habits of the daily routines are calculated. In case of changes of habits, notifications are sent to the elderly, and relatives, or professional caregivers, who can initiate a meaningful conversation about habit changes of the elderly.
  • How does CleverGuard work?
    CleverGuard is based on an energy meter installed in the fuse box of the apartment of the elderly. The energy data are sent to a safe central computer center where the habits of the daily routines are calculated. In case of changes of habits, notifications are sent to the elderly, and relatives, or professional caregivers, who can initiate a meaningful conversation about habit changes of the elderly. The CleverGuard application is accessible from a computer, tablet, or smartphone using common web browsers with safe authorization. There is no need to install any software, the service is accessible through the web online.
  • Why are the activities of daily living (ADL) important for the elderly living alone?
    The activities of daily living are: Bathing and showering Personal hygiene and grooming (including brushing/combing/styling hair) Dressing Toilet hygiene (getting to the toilet, cleaning oneself, and getting back up) Functional mobility, often referred to as "transferring", as measured by the ability to walk, get in and out of bed, and get into and out of a chair; the broader definition (moving from one place to another while performing activities) is useful for people with different physical abilities who are still able to get around independently Self-feeding. Activities of daily living (ADLs) are essential and routine tasks that most individuals can perform without assistance. The inability to accomplish essential activities of daily living may lead to unsafe conditions and poor quality of life for the elderly living alone. While performing the activities of daily living, often electrical devices are used, (e.g. turning lights on and off) which is measured by ClverGuard.
  • Is CleverGuard fit for sending emergency alerts?
    No. CleverGuard is not a replacement of any emergency processes, routines, advice, practices medication, treatment, the elderly is advised to do otherwise.
  • What does CleverGuard do with the energy data?
    The energy usage data are sent to a secure server at CleverGuard, data are analyzed and stored. (e.g. tea kettle is turned on at about the same time in the mornings) In case the system detects deviations from the usual habits (e.g. tea kettle is not turned on) notifications are sent to the authorized users, who can initiate appropriate conversations and measures for the benefit of the elderly.
  • How do I see that CleverGuard is functioning?
    The authorized user - the elderly, relative, or caregiver - can check the functioning of the CleverGuard system through an application accessible through an internet browser accessible through a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • How disturbing is the functioning of CleverGuard device?
    CleverGuard device do not make any noise, do not emit light, does not need any intervention from the users, or technical personnel.
  • How much electricity is used by CleverGuard?
    The power consumption of CleverGuard is less than 3 W. This means ca. 2 kWh/month.
  • Who can participate in the field test?
    1) Elderly (65+years) living alone at home and able to move, not bedridden, and does not suffer from severe dementia, but has electrical devices which are used regularly 2) Informal (relative, close friend, neighbor) and/or formal caregiver (professional carer) of the elderly - to whom permission is given by the elderly 3) Institutions, and municipalities taking care of the elderly through professional caregivers
  • Is it free to participate?
    To participate in testing CleverGuard is completely free, you do not have to pay before, during or after the testing.
  • How is CleverGuard installed?
    CleverGuard energy meter is installed in the fusebox of the apartment of the elderly. A licensed electrician employee of CleverGuard agrees an appointment in advance with the elderly and the respective relative or caregiver. The isntallation takes roughly max 60 minutes with all the administrative work included. The electirician makes sure that the installation requires minimum intervention in the fuse box or the flat, complies all safety and security standards.
  • What if I do not want to continue with the test?
    You have the right to finish the test whenever you want. Our technical personnel will dismantle the CleverGuard device and there will be no data sent to the center anymore. There are no financial consequences for discontinuing the test.
  • Who to contact in case of any issues?
    Please refer the GDPR agreement you signed who to contact in case of any questions or issues you have.
  • How long will the test last?
    The test starts when the CleverGuard device is installed at the home of the elderly and will be finished on September 2023.
  • How can I withdraw access of my data from someone?
    Please contact the person named in your GDPR agreement. In case you decided to authorize someone throught the application directly, you can do it yourself.
  • Who can turn the Cleverguard device off?
    The device installed at the fusebox of the elderly is owned by the Cleverguard consortium, it is not to be turned off, dismantled, sold, discarded without the permission of the Cleverguard consortium.
  • How will CleverGuard work after successful installation?
    The online application shows whether the elderly are using the devices according to their prior habits, or is there any deviation from it in the short and long run. The difference is represented in colors. Green= no difference relative to the usual habits, Yellow= minor difference, Red= significant difference related to the usual habits of using the electrical devices. The data can be seen as a time series as well, which provides a broader perspective on the habits of the elderly. The elderly, or authorized caregivers can provide written feedback through the application.
  • Who will see my CleverGuard data, and what kind of data?
    Only those to whom the elderly give permission to see their data. (e.g. family members, neighbors, close friends, or professional caregivers.) The online application shows whether the elderly are using the devices according to their prior habits, or is there any deviation from it in the short and long run. The difference is represented in colors. Green= no difference relative to the usual habits, Yellow= minor difference, Red= significant difference related to the usual habits of using the electrical devices. The data can be seen as a time series as well, which provides a broader perspective on the habits of the elderly. The elderly, or authorized caregivers can provide written feedback through the application.
  • Where can I see my personal and electricity usage data?
    The GDPR agreement describes in detail what data can be seen by whom, and how to grant and withdraw access to somebody. By the time of the installation, the elderly will be provided the information about how to access the application and see the data. In case the elderly do not have an email address or not using it, the elderly can specify on paper, who will have access to the data.
  • How are my all data protected?
    Your data are protected safely with privacy. See the GDPR agreement here.
  • What if I want to continue to use the Cleverguard service after the test is finished?
    There is no guarantee that Cleverguard will be available for you to use after the test is finished. Depending on the actual business conditions by the time of closing the development project, CleverGuard might be available for commercial use.

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